Currently viewing the tag: "Android"

I want to convert our annual report (26 - 8.5x11 inch pages) into an app / booklet that stakeholders and donors can read on their iPhone, Android, and Blackberry phones as an app. What are the best ways to do it, and what are the costs?

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Android running on iPhone

On April 8, 2011 By

A first generation Apple iPhone running the Linux kernel and Google's Android mobile operating system. Details and source code available at

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i like to listen to dance music, and i want to listen on my bluetooth-enabled car stereo. Thanks! p.s. I know that iPhone has tons of apps for streaming music, but Android may handle it better, I dont know.

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With so many iphone and android sources where to get the best deals at, where can one find a true one stop shop where you can get decent deals on iPhone and android smart phones? Thanks!

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Sell Android Themes

On March 23, 2011 By

If you know about mobile, you've heard about the android. On the android market you can whip up a theme for android phones in five minutes and put it on the Google app market for sale. This site shows you how to do this.
Sell Android Themes

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