Currently viewing the tag: "Game"

See - On July 1st The Pokemon Company announced there would be an app released on iPhones and Android. It's a game with music and on screen pokemon cards in a timing game mechanic. I'm assuming it's similar to tap tap revolution. http Video by Paiid and TGN.TV Tell us what [...]

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Apozem’s Best Android Apps

On July 11, 2011 By

Apozem's Best Android Apps
In case you missed it, GI did a feature on some of the best games for Android phones. They had a pretty good list, and the apps listed are definitely worth picking up. However, there were a couple apps that didn't get their day in the sun. In my time [...]

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Written by Quality Battery Supplier: on 27 May 2011

1 Angry Birds

You knew Stieg Larrson books had gone from cult concern to cultural phenomenon when you suddenly couldn't move for people them on the London Tube network. Over the last six months, it's people playing Angry Birds on their smartphones that [...]

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Casmul provides a simple self-service SDK to add real-time multiplayer and social features to iPhone, Android and Flash games. For gaming comapnies and games aggregators Casmul offers Social Gaming Network Solution that allows to connect many games together and facilitate content cross-promotion. Casmul also provides professional low-cost game development and gaming network operations services.


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Discover how to create an iPhone or iPad App&Game and hit pay dirt with it in the App Store! 75% commission + Bonus. Awesome member area with full video course. All you need to know on how to start App business with no programming skills at all!
How to create an iPhone [...]

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