Currently viewing the tag: "app"

Is there any way I can download a free walkie talkie app to talk to a android phone using my iPhone ?? If there is can I get the URL or the name?

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Within an hour you can have your own info app for Android ready for distribution and without writing a single line of programming code. The Mipp system is your fast track to create info apps and data oriented applications for Android.
Turn Your Digital Content into Apps for Android within an Hour!

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I want to convert our annual report (26 - 8.5x11 inch pages) into an app / booklet that stakeholders and donors can read on their iPhone, Android, and Blackberry phones as an app. What are the best ways to do it, and what are the costs?

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Earn Money With iPhone Apps

On April 3, 2011 By

Earn a massive 75% commission promoting the most comprehensive guide to creating lucrative iPhone applications (apps for short). Our guide explains how to create new iPhone apps and get them listed on the Apple iPhone App Store. Profit from iPhones now!
Earn Money With iPhone Apps

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How to Market iPhone Apps eBook

On March 30, 2011 By

This eBook is for iPhone app developers. It is 50 pages and has 3 main sections. Section 1 will help them learn how to make a great app, Section 2 will help them learn how to market their app and Section 3 is full of great resources.
How to Market iPhone Apps [...]

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Discover how to create iPhone apps easily with no programming experienced required. Learn from some of the top iPhone app developers to get your app created now.
How To Create iPhone Apps With No Programming Experience

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My Four Kids

A "father's" perspective on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7, and BlackBerry


I'm the CIO at Amadeus Consulting, a custom software development company based in Boulder, Colorado. I'm fortunate because I get to work daily with my four adopted children: BlackBerry®, iPhone™, Android™ and Windows® Phone 7. Of course [...]

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Sell Android Themes

On March 23, 2011 By

If you know about mobile, you've heard about the android. On the android market you can whip up a theme for android phones in five minutes and put it on the Google app market for sale. This site shows you how to do this.
Sell Android Themes

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Set your Twitter account name in your settings to use the TwitterBar Section.