Currently viewing the tag: "Programming"

I currently know nothing about programming, and all the searches I do are dated in the early 2000's, I'm just wondering which programing language I should start learning and which language I should move on to from there. I want to make apps or games for Facebook, iphone, or android. Thank you in advance

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Publish iPhone apps

On April 24, 2011 By

Unique business opportunity to publish and sell iPhone apps. Each month, we'll give you app source code worth thousands of dollars, complete with detailed instructions. No programming knowledge required!
Publish iPhone apps

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Iphone Wealth Package

On April 4, 2011 By

Videos By $500,000 Earnings Iphone Developer Shows How To Build A Killer Iphone App & Place It On The App Store To Earn $500,000 per annum. No Programming Skills Required. To Register For Our Product Launches, visit
Iphone Wealth Package

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Discover how to create iPhone apps easily with no programming experienced required. Learn from some of the top iPhone app developers to get your app created now.
How To Create iPhone Apps With No Programming Experience

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