Currently viewing the tag: "Phone"

What is VidCall? BROADCAST VIDEO & AUDIO CONTENT VidCall is your worldwide video and audio file broadcasting service direct to Smart Phones using the VidCall App. The VidCall iPhone App is also your telephone dialler. Download the VidCall App at iTunes. If your viewers want to watch iPhone videos, they can direct dial your VidCall [...]

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With the demand of smart phones like iPhones and Google's android, the demand for mobile apps development has grown manifolds. The interface of iPhone/Android application development is ground breaking. Today, many computer manufacturers have adopted the same interactive technology for handheld Pc's and laptops.

As per a latest estimate, the sales of iPhones have [...]

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I am so annoyed by how many crapy phones and services providers there around the world.  You either get great service and great coverage or you get great phones and horrible service and horrible coverage.

Phones get worse and worse in quality.  Rechargaable batteries seem to have a lifespan of 8 months or less.

I [...]

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My Four Kids

A "father's" perspective on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7, and BlackBerry


I'm the CIO at Amadeus Consulting, a custom software development company based in Boulder, Colorado. I'm fortunate because I get to work daily with my four adopted children: BlackBerry®, iPhone™, Android™ and Windows® Phone 7. Of course [...]

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